
Treatment Costs / Fees...

Pricing - Costs of Treatment

Professional Therapist 

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Hypnosis can be effective in treating many diseases and illness, both mental and physical...

Hypnosis can help to heal depression

Depression is one of the most common untreated illnesses

Healing emotional problems

Mental health issues are often not addressed or discussion which can lead to more serious conditions.


Stress can be a very serious illness and can result in many forms of damage if not treated.

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Hypnosis and Coaching

get in touch


This page shows and explains our pricing / fees strategy.

The therapy sessions are billed on a per session basis or as a fixed hourly or treatment rate. Discounts maybe available for booking and paying for a series of sessions in advance.

Select your options or contact me for a free Quotation based on your requirements.

Single Session or Discovery
Price: €100.00

Discovery and 1 session of hypnotherapy up to 2hrs.

Payment:  Can be via the Clinic or directly the cost is the same.

Follow on Sessions
Price: €90.00

Follow on session 90 minutes.


Cancellation terms:

If I have reserved the time for your session. (i.e. Blocked my diary) and you are absent or resign at short notice, this time cannot then be used by others. Of course, I understand that you can be prevented from coming to your session by many factors and I am happy to be sympathetic and understanding.

 If you need to cancel, please cancel as early as possible and no later than 48 hours before your agreed session.

 If canceled less than 48 hours before the start of the session, you will be billed a minimum amount to cover my lost time.

 Please note that you may be billed for the full price of the session if you miss your session without cancellation or a very good reason.



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