Services from HC-Therapy  

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Hypnosis can be effective in treating many diseases and illness, both mental and physical...

Hypnosis can help to heal depression

Depression is one of the most common untreated illnesses

Healing emotional problems

Mental health issues are often not addressed or discussion which can lead to more serious conditions.


Stress can be a very serious illness and can result in many forms of damage if not treated.

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Hypnosis and Coaching

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Our Services and Treatments / Therapies

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 Hypnotherapy - Stress - Mental Health - Depression - Addiction - Coaching - Links - About


Hellemai Bio:

personel bio picHellemai Christensen  Danish born, English Speaking with a high degree of comprehension and empathy.

My simple mission is to "Help People in need". In these depressing times many people are suffering with everyday problems that may continue to poor mental health now or in the future. 

Some people may not even be aware of it.  So it may take friends and family to help by speaking out and suggesting a therapist session as a "discovery session", in a friendly relaxed atmosphere.


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